You’ve bloody murdered a pimple with spot treatment only to have it return a month later to haunt you in the exact same spot.

*Insert expletive*.

Some pimples just don’t know when to die. To end this viscous cycle, we’ve enlisted the help of two leading skin experts to explain why this happens and what can be done to stop re-occurring spots from becoming your forever-skin reality.

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Sydney-based facialist, Jocelyn Petroni tells us that once a pore becomes inflamed and turns into a pimple it has scar tissue memory, so that same spot is more prone to become a pimple again. On a deeper level though, the pore may have become misshaped.

She explains: “The pores have dilated and filled with sebum when they’ve become a pimple and not constricted back, or they have constricted back but not to the perfect regular pore formation.”


Unfortunately some pores can become misshaped all on their own, reveals Dr. Tim Falla, Head of Research & Development at Rodan + Fields (the #1 selling skincare brand in the U.S.). “Pimples can return to the same pores simply because of their location, genetic pre-disposition and/or changes with age such as skin elasticity and firmness leading to sagging and compression of the skin.”

Squeezing a pimple before its ready can also resurrect it at a later date, since this causes problems with “inflammation, the spread of bacteria and damage to the skin and pores leading to continued break outs in the area,” he adds. #Guilty.


If you’re out to end the little sucker once and for all, Petroni recommends a Sebaceous Gland Ablation electrolysis treatment offered at Face Plus Medispa clinics for permanent and targeted results.

“What they do is insert a fine needle, not much wider than the width of a strand of hair, that goes into the pore and cauterises it (meaning ‘to burn’) so a pimple never forms there again,” she explains. “This might not be suitable for acne that reoccurs in different spots each time, but it would be effective for those persistent, return pimples.”

Dr. Falla’s solution involves combining an acne spot treatment with a full face approach (Try: Rodan + Fields Redefine Regimencoming soon to Australia). “Use a full-face product because you want to be treating pimples before they appear and they may have been growing for some weeks before they become visible.” He adds: “The best pimple is the one you never get.” True that.


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Do you get return blemishes regularly?

Tell us, what has worked for you?


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