June 30, 2021

Your July 2021 Horoscope

Here’s what’s written in the stars for you this month.

What’s in store for you in July? Gritty Pretty’s resident astrologer Emma Vidgen reveals all…


This month is all about putting the self in self-care. While the ongoing turbulence of 2021 continues, prioritising pleasure will help you navigate the terrain. Any kind of practice that encourages you to step into your creativity—whether it’s ceramics, sculpture or just really great sex—will be the salve your soul needs this month. Mid-month (around 12 July) looks especially spicy so be sure it’s a WFH day. July has a lot of collective angst—especially in the first and last week—so making space to feel all the feels and connect with your desire is essential to processing what’s going on.

Tip: Make pleasure your #1 priority


Cancer season (until 23 July) is all about nesting, and this month making your home as beautiful as possible is the perfect way to work through big feelings. While ongoing tension between the old and new will continue to dominate, finding comfort and pleasure behind closed doors will be a welcome relief. Beyond the aesthetic, it includes improving your relationships with the people you live with, an area that could feel tense, especially early in the month. Remember you (probably) don’t live with mind readers, so express how you’re feeling and what you need; 13 July looks especially good for D&Ms.

Tip: Work out what you need (emotionally and aesthetically) to make your space more comfortable


There are larger forces at play (for everyone) in July that will bring on all the feels, especially the first week of the month. Instead of shutting it down, pay attention to what sets you off; your triggers are your best teachers. If you find yourself mouthing off, ask yourself, “What need is not being met?” While the month may seem salty on the surface, there are golden insights to be had if you give yourself the space for reflection. Mid-month (around 12 July) looks especially good for sharing your feelings, especially if you’re stressed about cash.  

Tip: Confrontations offer the best clues as to what you need to heal


Money isn’t everything, but it will be on your mind this month as an ongoing issue around cash resurfaces. Think back to mid-February and mid-June for a clue as to what it’s all about. It may not be the same situation, but it will raise the same themes (e.g. being paid what you’re worth). As frustrating as it will be, the temptation to blow out and treat yourself will be big, especially the first two weeks. Don’t be afraid to crawl back into your shell and make yourself comfortable if it all feels too much. There’s no time like your season (until 23 July) to enjoy the sweetness of cancelling plans.

Tip: Treat yourself and savour time at home


There’s a real stop/go feel to July that could leave you feeling a little whiplashed if you you’re not careful. Tension between work and your closest relationships will come to the fore (especially the first and last week) stirring up some big feels. Being vulnerable isn’t always easy for Leo but expressing your needs is essential for navigating this terrain. The sun and Jupiter are bringing the sensitivity to help you open up. The 12th and 13th look especially good for bearing your soul, so lean into the energy and speak up.

Tip: Figure out what you need in love, then share it


An unexpected roadblock that messes with your workout schedule or daily routine has the potential to cause major frustration, especially early in the month. You’re not one to lose your cool but it could test the patience of even the calmest Virgos. Order is important and it’s entirely plausible that exercise is a part of your mental self-care. If you’re feeling crap, talk about it (12-13 July look especially good for long chats). Holding in the angst is the worst possible outcome this month. Luckily Cancer season (until 23 July) is supercharging your social connections so make friend time a priority—even if it’s just a Zoom lunch.

Tip: When you’re feeling frustrated phone a friend


“Be the kind of friend you want” is the cosmic medicine being served up for Librans this July. While the world will feel unsettled on a macro level, a focus on your social circle will highlight both sweetness and shortcomings in your relationships. As hard as it is, try to connect with what it is that’s missing from those important relationships, and figure out a way to express what you need. Equally, speak up and show your gratitude where it’s due. With Cancer energy lending a hand (until 23 July), talking about your feelings will feel just a tiny little bit easier (especially around 12-13 July).

Tip: Embody the qualities you crave in a friend


How are you feeling about work? If you’ve been thinking about moving on or asking for a promotion, this month should bring some clarity as to what you need next. Confrontation or setbacks could act as a catalyst or spotlight, especially the first week of the month. Despite the discomfort, the drama is clarifying. When things don’t go according to plan, feel into your physical response and ask yourself, “What could have made this feel less icky?” The answers may surprise you. Pay attention to what comes up and give yourself time to sit with the potential alternatives until next month. 

Tip: Get clear on what you value in an employer


How often do you truly let yourself connect with your emotional body? This month, Cancer season (along with your ruling planet Jupiter) is offering you the perfect opportunity to get quiet and go within. Sound scary? It doesn’t have to be. Like most things in life, it’s much less daunting when there’s two of you. Working with a professional—whether it’s a somatic therapist or a psychologist—will help you navigate it all. The past six weeks have been a lot for your sign and giving yourself the chance to process will help you let go of what you need to and move on. Remember, therapy isn’t only for people with “problems”, it’s an investment in your wellbeing. 

Tip: Get help processing the last six weeks


There’s plenty of heavy lifting going on in July, particularly during the first and last weeks of the month. The good news is, it’s not just impacting you, it will affect us all in different ways. For Capricorns, there’s frustrations around finances and self-worth, particularly in a situation where your own resources are connected to someone else (think: property, investments, flatmates). Leaning on your partner (or best friend if you’re single), is the best way to work through it all. Despite the stress, there’s some great astro weather for D&Ms, especially mid-month (12-13 July), so do yourself a favour and let your guard down with someone you love.

Tip: Let your favourite humans lend an ear (or shoulder)


You’ve heard the old adage, ‘You need pressure to make a diamond’. Bear this in mind, and July might feel a whole lot more easeful. With pressure on your closest relationships (partner, best mates, business partners), you’ve got the chance to work out what you truly need. When frustration arises, notice what the pressure points are and pay attention to what could improve the situation. It won’t be without a little (or maybe a lot) of confrontation, but there is a rich opportunity to feel into what’s missing. The stars (up until 23 July) are also great for showing your vulnerability. Don’t hold back. Mid-month is perfect for being brave and sharing how you’re truly feeling.

Tip: Let your triggers improve your relationships


You can’t control much in life, but how you respond to a situation is entirely up to you. Thankfully, your response—especially to adversity—should be a lot more mellow than most signs this month. With the final four weeks of Jupiter moving through your home sign, maintaining perspective should feel a wee bit easier. It’s not to say there’ll be zero frustration—especially the first and last week—but your ability to find the good in challenging situations and stay optimistic will be a shining light. Lean into that sweetness, and if you’ve got the bandwidth, show up for others who need a little extra help.

Tip: Be the person who can brighten the mood


Hot tip: try reading these horoscopes for your rising sign as well as your sun sign. You can check the Co-Star app or have your charts read by an astrologist to see what your rising sign is.

Emma Vidgen is an astrologer and meditation teacher. Follow her or book a reading @emma_vee and @thewayward.co.

June 30, 2021

Your July 2021 Horoscope

Here’s what’s written in the stars for you this month.

What’s in store for you in July? Gritty Pretty’s resident astrologer Emma Vidgen reveals all…


This month is all about putting the self in self-care. While the ongoing turbulence of 2021 continues, prioritising pleasure will help you navigate the terrain. Any kind of practice that encourages you to step into your creativity—whether it’s ceramics, sculpture or just really great sex—will be the salve your soul needs this month. Mid-month (around 12 July) looks especially spicy so be sure it’s a WFH day. July has a lot of collective angst—especially in the first and last week—so making space to feel all the feels and connect with your desire is essential to processing what’s going on.

Tip: Make pleasure your #1 priority


Cancer season (until 23 July) is all about nesting, and this month making your home as beautiful as possible is the perfect way to work through big feelings. While ongoing tension between the old and new will continue to dominate, finding comfort and pleasure behind closed doors will be a welcome relief. Beyond the aesthetic, it includes improving your relationships with the people you live with, an area that could feel tense, especially early in the month. Remember you (probably) don’t live with mind readers, so express how you’re feeling and what you need; 13 July looks especially good for D&Ms.

Tip: Work out what you need (emotionally and aesthetically) to make your space more comfortable


There are larger forces at play (for everyone) in July that will bring on all the feels, especially the first week of the month. Instead of shutting it down, pay attention to what sets you off; your triggers are your best teachers. If you find yourself mouthing off, ask yourself, “What need is not being met?” While the month may seem salty on the surface, there are golden insights to be had if you give yourself the space for reflection. Mid-month (around 12 July) looks especially good for sharing your feelings, especially if you’re stressed about cash.  

Tip: Confrontations offer the best clues as to what you need to heal


Money isn’t everything, but it will be on your mind this month as an ongoing issue around cash resurfaces. Think back to mid-February and mid-June for a clue as to what it’s all about. It may not be the same situation, but it will raise the same themes (e.g. being paid what you’re worth). As frustrating as it will be, the temptation to blow out and treat yourself will be big, especially the first two weeks. Don’t be afraid to crawl back into your shell and make yourself comfortable if it all feels too much. There’s no time like your season (until 23 July) to enjoy the sweetness of cancelling plans.

Tip: Treat yourself and savour time at home


There’s a real stop/go feel to July that could leave you feeling a little whiplashed if you you’re not careful. Tension between work and your closest relationships will come to the fore (especially the first and last week) stirring up some big feels. Being vulnerable isn’t always easy for Leo but expressing your needs is essential for navigating this terrain. The sun and Jupiter are bringing the sensitivity to help you open up. The 12th and 13th look especially good for bearing your soul, so lean into the energy and speak up.

Tip: Figure out what you need in love, then share it


An unexpected roadblock that messes with your workout schedule or daily routine has the potential to cause major frustration, especially early in the month. You’re not one to lose your cool but it could test the patience of even the calmest Virgos. Order is important and it’s entirely plausible that exercise is a part of your mental self-care. If you’re feeling crap, talk about it (12-13 July look especially good for long chats). Holding in the angst is the worst possible outcome this month. Luckily Cancer season (until 23 July) is supercharging your social connections so make friend time a priority—even if it’s just a Zoom lunch.

Tip: When you’re feeling frustrated phone a friend


“Be the kind of friend you want” is the cosmic medicine being served up for Librans this July. While the world will feel unsettled on a macro level, a focus on your social circle will highlight both sweetness and shortcomings in your relationships. As hard as it is, try to connect with what it is that’s missing from those important relationships, and figure out a way to express what you need. Equally, speak up and show your gratitude where it’s due. With Cancer energy lending a hand (until 23 July), talking about your feelings will feel just a tiny little bit easier (especially around 12-13 July).

Tip: Embody the qualities you crave in a friend


How are you feeling about work? If you’ve been thinking about moving on or asking for a promotion, this month should bring some clarity as to what you need next. Confrontation or setbacks could act as a catalyst or spotlight, especially the first week of the month. Despite the discomfort, the drama is clarifying. When things don’t go according to plan, feel into your physical response and ask yourself, “What could have made this feel less icky?” The answers may surprise you. Pay attention to what comes up and give yourself time to sit with the potential alternatives until next month. 

Tip: Get clear on what you value in an employer


How often do you truly let yourself connect with your emotional body? This month, Cancer season (along with your ruling planet Jupiter) is offering you the perfect opportunity to get quiet and go within. Sound scary? It doesn’t have to be. Like most things in life, it’s much less daunting when there’s two of you. Working with a professional—whether it’s a somatic therapist or a psychologist—will help you navigate it all. The past six weeks have been a lot for your sign and giving yourself the chance to process will help you let go of what you need to and move on. Remember, therapy isn’t only for people with “problems”, it’s an investment in your wellbeing. 

Tip: Get help processing the last six weeks


There’s plenty of heavy lifting going on in July, particularly during the first and last weeks of the month. The good news is, it’s not just impacting you, it will affect us all in different ways. For Capricorns, there’s frustrations around finances and self-worth, particularly in a situation where your own resources are connected to someone else (think: property, investments, flatmates). Leaning on your partner (or best friend if you’re single), is the best way to work through it all. Despite the stress, there’s some great astro weather for D&Ms, especially mid-month (12-13 July), so do yourself a favour and let your guard down with someone you love.

Tip: Let your favourite humans lend an ear (or shoulder)


You’ve heard the old adage, ‘You need pressure to make a diamond’. Bear this in mind, and July might feel a whole lot more easeful. With pressure on your closest relationships (partner, best mates, business partners), you’ve got the chance to work out what you truly need. When frustration arises, notice what the pressure points are and pay attention to what could improve the situation. It won’t be without a little (or maybe a lot) of confrontation, but there is a rich opportunity to feel into what’s missing. The stars (up until 23 July) are also great for showing your vulnerability. Don’t hold back. Mid-month is perfect for being brave and sharing how you’re truly feeling.

Tip: Let your triggers improve your relationships


You can’t control much in life, but how you respond to a situation is entirely up to you. Thankfully, your response—especially to adversity—should be a lot more mellow than most signs this month. With the final four weeks of Jupiter moving through your home sign, maintaining perspective should feel a wee bit easier. It’s not to say there’ll be zero frustration—especially the first and last week—but your ability to find the good in challenging situations and stay optimistic will be a shining light. Lean into that sweetness, and if you’ve got the bandwidth, show up for others who need a little extra help.

Tip: Be the person who can brighten the mood


Hot tip: try reading these horoscopes for your rising sign as well as your sun sign. You can check the Co-Star app or have your charts read by an astrologist to see what your rising sign is.

Emma Vidgen is an astrologer and meditation teacher. Follow her or book a reading @emma_vee and @thewayward.co.


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