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      Skin Body Interviews

      According To Our Beauty Assistant, This Is The Only Fake Tan Remover You’ll Ever Need

      The only girl self-tan remover in the world.

      We now have a Facebook group! Here, we share beauty tips, wellness hacks and get to interact with each other (in real time)! Click here to join the Gritty Pretty Gang on Facebook.

      For most of us, year-round bronziness (yes, it’s a word) it something we would love to achieve; to forgo the winter blues with perfectly even pins and an I-just-got-back-from-Hawaii kind of glow. But, unfortunately for some (aka me), our fair skin will not allow it. Hence, my love for self-tan.

      And the woman who I look to for tanning inspiration? None other than Elle Ferguson

      A mysterious bronzed unicorn for what felt like an eternity (in that I could never quite crack how she got that glow) Ferguson’s bronzed pins are the envy of women the world over. ‘How does she get such an even tan? What colour is that? How does it always look so perfect?’ This was my inner monologue for many a year. So, you can imagine my delight when, in 2016, Elle Effect burst onto the beauty scene. 

      “I decided to start Elle Effect because I began to see this shift in the landscape where women that I admired in the influencer space were building brands that they had self-made and they were becoming female founders,” says Ferguson of her business leap of faith.

      But it wasn’t all sunshine and self-tan. A business woman pre-Elle Effect in her own right, Ferguson soon realised that the beauty sphere was, let’s just say, complicated.

      “The biggest thing I learnt was that you need to realise you can’t do everything. And not to take no for an answer. Starting your own business is hard, it is the hardest thing you will ever do. But it’s also the most rewarding.”

      Initially, Elle Effect launched with one product: The Self Tanning Mousse. Over four years later, the brand is a market leader and now, there’s a new Elle Effect product on the scene.

      “The development process is extremely hands-on from the beginning. [All Elle Effect products are] vegan, paraben and sulphate-free so that’s always my starting point,” says Ferguson. “The product also has to be something that makes a woman’s life easier, or is something I need and cannot find.”

      That product she’s talking about? The Wash. It’s new, it’s exciting and it’s good. Like, really good. 

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      The Wash, Reviewed

      Despite my very well documented (see above) love of fake tan, hands down the most tedious and frustrating part of the process is removing the old tan. If I have a spare 30 minute window to apply a layer of tan, you can bet your bottom dollar I don’t want to spend half of that just getting the old tan off.

      And when it comes to removal – I’ve tried it all. Tan erasing foams, 35 different exfoliating mitts, soaking in a bath, body scrubs. The lot. But nothing ever gets it all off.

      Cue: The Wash.

      I’ve been trialling this oil-based body cleanser for about a month now and not only is it the perfect collision of body wash and tan remover, I have also noticed that the tan itself is actually lasting longer. Formulated using a combination of macadamia, coconut and olive oils, as well as a mild chemical exfoliant to dissolve dead skin cells, the product is ideal for breaking down the tan without stripping your skin. In fact, I find the oil formula replenishes the moisture levels of my skin to leave it even and supple for tan application. Genius.

      In terms of usage – it’s pretty idiot proof. My favourite way to use it is first thing when I jump into the shower, pre-shave but post-rinse off. I use it in conjunction with the Elle Effect Exfoliating Mitt (a necessary combo) and apply a few pumps to every inch of my body. The mitt is perfect for sloughing away dead skin cells and is made of a thin, finely woven fabric that means it will aid in removing the tan, without soaking the product up. 

      Concentrating on the places where I get the most build up, such as my armpits, knees and ankles, I massage it into the skin for around 30 seconds. This creates a lovely light foam (emphasis on light) which makes me confident in the cleansing power, but not concerned by any fillers or preservatives that are often used in ultra-foamy soaps and washes.

      [responsive imageid=’36006′ size1=’0′ size2=’641′ size3=’1024′]elle effect the wash[/responsive]

      The Verdict

      If you’ve gotten to this point, you can probably guess what the verdict is. But in case I need to spell it out for you, this wash is a necessity in any self-tan kit. I cannot go without it. 

      What I would say, though, is that the mitt is also a necessary accessory to the effectiveness of the wash. So if you can get your hands on the combo, do. Forget your removal foams and body scrubs – this is the ultimate prep product. 

      If you’re a tanner, you need it. It’s as simple as that.

      Get 20% off Elle Effect sitewide, plus if you purchase The Wash (on its own or in a combo) you’ll also receive FREE hair clips. Enter code: GP20. One use per person, code valid for 1 month. Ends 1 May 2020

      Have you tried The Wash by Elle Effect? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

      Life & Style Health Interviews

      How To Stay Sane While Working From Home

      Working from home has its perks (sleep-ins, no commute, can work in your comfies) but it can also become quite challenging if you don’t have a game plan.

      The unfolding coronavirus (COVID-19) situation means that we are all dealing with a lot of uncertainty and change to our day to day routine. At Gritty Pretty, we want to help you navigate through this time. We’ll be sharing self care advice and tips on how to look after your body and mental health. If there are any topics you want Gritty Pretty to cover, please send us a DM on Instagram.

      So, the novelty has worn off. You’re working from home and going slightly mental. If your standard work day involves a vibrant and bustling office, the sudden onset of remote work can feel a little lonely. We can relate. But seeing as this is the new normal (for the time being, at least) we need to make the most of our newfound working and living situation. 

      Working from home has it pros. It’s great for maximising productivity (no more distracting gossip sessions with Sharon from accounting), integrating a better work/life balance (sans commute) and squeezing in a workout (come on, you have the time). However, all of this requires self-discipline. Without co-workers holding you accountable, it can be difficult to stay on task; now is the time to implement a structure that works for you.

      Here, we ask freelance writer (and WFH aficionado!) Hannah-Rose Yee and psychologist Briony Leo for their advice on how to work from home without losing our marbles.

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      Set Yourself A WFH Routine

      We’re all human and whether we want to admit it or not, we need routine. Starting your day with zero structure is a recipe for disaster. It’s important to plan your day the night before to ensure you go to bed knowing what tomorrow will look like. This means deciding on when your work day will start, finish and allocating time for breaks.

      “Approaching the day just like you would a regular working day is useful so getting up, having a morning routine (exercise, shower, get ready, breakfast),” says Leo. “Structuring your day is psychologically easier than taking it as it comes.”

      Leo recommends you take this WFH time to tune into who you are as an employee and learn how to hold yourself accountable. 

      “Sometimes working from home can actually be more stressful because we need to be our own bosses and can feel anxious and guilty about not being productive,” she says. “It’s important to take the good stuff from office work (e.g. routine) and bring it to the good stuff about being home (e.g. relaxed and quiet work environment).”

      Take Proper Breaks

      One benefit of working remotely? Not feeling guilty about actually taking a lunch break. When we’re in the office, many of us feel too busy to take a one-hour break and settle for a quick desk lunch. While this set up is never ideal, it might be your standard. However, when you’re at home, proper breaks are imperative. Not only will you be more productive, you’ll actually get to the end of the day in one piece.

      Yee recommends making the most of the WFH lunchtime luxury: “Make yourself a lovely working from home lunch. Something that [you] couldn’t make in the office, which means no sad desk salad or crackers and hummus. I’m talking a big rice bowl, or a fancy, zingy sandwich or an intricate bowl of pasta. You can’t make carbonara in a tiny office kitchenette!” Go on, treat yourself to something nice – doctor’s Yee’s orders.


      Exercise is important at the best of times – but more so now than ever. If you’re working from home, you can squeeze in a 30 minute walk or 45 minute at-home Pilates session. Is your standard commute 30 minutes? One hour? Try dedicating this time to a workout instead.

      Journalist Sarah Tarca explored how you exercising can boost your energy levels in our Autumn 2020 issue of Gritty Pretty Magazine. She found that more movement = more productivity. 

      Leo also recommends putting together a list of everything you do to feel good – be it connecting with those around you, exercising daily, not drinking or smoking too much, planning ahead of time or talking about what is happening. It’s important to incorporate things you love to do into your day to day. Take advantage of your newfound down time.

      Give The Phone A Rest…

      At times like these, when tension is high, a lot of misinformation can spread online. Our phones are a distraction at the best of times but in the office, we usually have someone holding us accountable if we spend 10 minutes scrolling through Instagram. At home, we do not.

      “One key piece of advice is to limit your exposure to media and news websites,” recommends Leo. “Remember, the more frightening and sensationalist the story, the more clicks it will get and the more advertising revenue the site will make.”

      Leo also recommends taking part in the pomodoro technique, which encourages you to work in 25 minute blocks and then take a break of your choosing. This can be particularly useful by way of getting work done but will also give you some time and freedom to chill and reset when needed. 

      …But Don’t Stop Talking To Your Colleagues

      While the quiet of home can boost productivity, you don’t it to be too quiet. Staying connected to your colleagues (or friends, if you are freelance) is imperative. Firstly, you need to be across what is happening in your team and secondly, communication helps ward off feelings of loneliness. 

      “I think the best thing to do if you’re craving human contact is to set up a few phone calls,” recommends Yee. “You can do them when you need a bit of downtime or a break, and they can either be work related or personal (or both).”

      If your WFH situation is temporary, Leo also recommends you set up a channel where you can keep in touch with your co-workers’ movements, post memes and generally interact like you might in the office. 

      Other options could include scheduling a virtual lunch with a friend or co-worker via FaceTime or making sure you video call once a day to touch base and top up your human interactions. During these times of uncertainty, it’s important to keep spirits and staff morale high – connecting in humorous and light-hearted ways with colleagues is very important. 

      Actually Clock Off

      Just as you would when 5:30pm rolls around in the office, switching off from your work day is super important when working from home. When there is a lot going on, it can be easy to get sucked into working 24/7, with no real boundaries.

      This isn’t good for anyone.

      Working around the clock can lead to deteriorating mental health, resentment and low productivity levels. So, it’s important to choose an end-of-the-work-day time – and stick to it.

      “Some strategies for switching off are: having separate laptops for work and personal, going for a walk, or having a shower and changing into pyjamas or comfy clothes at the end of the day,” recommends Leo.

      Yee’s switch-off method of choice? A bath.

      “I’ve had a bath everyday for the past week at 5:30pm, the second I ‘clock off’. I dump a huge amount of epsom salts in, light a candle and read a book for an hour and it completely shifts any tension I may have felt during the day.”

      Without rest and relaxation, the working from home experience can become stressful and feel like a weight. Think: which activities help you wind down the most? It could be cooking dinner, running a bath, a long shower or an episode or two of Love Is Blind on Netflix. These activities are important – don’t brush them off in favour of one more hour of work. Your emails will still be there tomorrow… 

      Do you work from home regularly and have some important tips to share? Leave us a comment below.

      We now have a Facebook group! Here, we share beauty tips, wellness hacks and get to interact with each other (in real time)! Click here to join the Gritty Pretty Gang on Facebook.

      Skin Cheeks Interviews

      Adding This Step To Your Skincare Routine Will Have Long-Term Anti-Ageing Benefits

      Go on – you’ve got the time. And did we mention that it’s free?

      The unfolding coronavirus (COVID-19) situation means that we are all dealing with a lot of uncertainty and change to our day to day routine. At Gritty Pretty, we want to help you navigate through this time. We’ll be sharing self care advice and tips on how to look after your body and mental health. If there are any topics you want Gritty Pretty to cover, please send us a DM on Instagram.

      Like many of you, the Gritty Pretty team is now working from home. In other words, we now have a lot more time on our hands to do things we wouldn’t normally find the space in our day to do. It’s more important than ever to find ways to make ourselves feel good (bonus points if they make us look good as well)!

      Whether you now have an extra hour in the morning (from what would have been your daily commute) or an extra hour before bed (because you managed to get your housework done in your lunch break), we all have a little extra time for ourselves at the moment. Glass half full, guys. So, in our beauty editor minds, there really is no better time to try something new, beauty-wise.

      Cue: facial massage.

      Here, we sit down with Jeanine Chell of Facial Alchemy to discuss everything facial massage. Whether you use your hands or enlist the help of a gua sha, Chell shares when and how to do a facial massage so that you actually see results. 

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      The Tools

      We’ve all heard it before but the sentiment rings true failing to plan is planning to fail. So, before you commit an afternoon to mastering the technique of facial massage (which you probably won’t in fact do, considering Chell’s expertise has come from 20 years in the field) you need to be well equipped.

      In an ideal world, Chell recommends getting yourself a gua sha; this tool helps to lift the skin, boost circulation and can increase the efficacy of our skin care products (we love Aceology Rose Quartz Gua Sha Facial Massager). Don’t have a gua sha? No matter – fortunately, fingers will also do just fine.

      So grab your tool of choice (easier if they are already attached to your body) and follow along. 

      The Technique: Gua Sha

      Like most things in the beauty space, there is a lot of information out there about gua sha and how to use them. 

      Gua sha for the body encourages lymphatic drainage and blood flow – the pressure is so intense, it can create bruising. However, this is not (I repeat, not) how to practice massage on your face. You want to be gentle. You need to be gentle.

      “The most important thing about facial massage is that it helps to increase the blood and nutrient supply to the skin cells,” says Chell. “This oxygenates the skin and also helps with lymphatic flow.”

      In terms of technique, Chell recommends starting with cleansed skin, and applying a water-based product (such as a toner or mist) followed by a facial oil to prepare for the massage. Then, starting with the gua sha at the back of the neck, she recommends moving along the spine and up towards the occipital root (where the neck meets the head) to release tension.

      “We hold a lot of tension there. This can stop the flow of the lymphatics and the blood circulation and it can make our face quite puffy because it is unable to drain properly.”

      Once you reach the face, the technique is tweaked slightly. Basically, you always want to move the gua sha from the centre of the face outwards. A common misconception is that going upwards is more important but actually, it doesn’t really matter.

      “The fluid knows where to flow so it isn’t essential that you move upwards. What’s more important is to get it flowing and moving,” says Chell.

      The main benefit? For those of us who want to avoid botox in the future (i.e. most of us) using the gua sha on the forehead is a great way to avoid the jab or negate any negative side-effects of the injection. 

      It’s like a mini facelift (sans needles) – which is like, ideal.

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      The Technique: Fingers

      Don’t have a gua sha? No worries. The same results can be achieved with your trusty digits. In fact, Chell recommends opting for this every now and then even if you do have a tool.

      “Your fingers are great because intuitively they will know where to go to release the most tension. You will know what feels good to you.”

      In terms of technique, it remains very similar to that of the gua sha – making sure you glide pressure along your face with your (clean) fingertips. It’s also great to focus on the hard to reach areas (that a face tool, no matter how ergonomical, may miss) such as your sinus and the ridge along to your cheekbones and jaw.

      The Timing

      Despite having all this extra time to #TreatYoSelf, we know that a daily facial massage may not be your number one priority. Chell recommends aiming to practice at least three times a week, to promote drainage and relax any tension you are carrying in your face and neck. This is particularly useful at this time of high anxiety and uncertainty. However, there is no harm in doing it everyday so, if you feel so inclined, massage away!

      Have a burning facial massage tip that you want to share? Leave us a comment below. 

      Makeup Eyes Skin

      Our Beauty Assistant Had Her Eyebrows Laminated – Here Are Her Thoughts

      Bye bye eyebrow gel.

      Yes, you read the title correctly: I had my eyebrows laminated. Before you freak out no, the process does not involve a plastic laminating sleeve or a piping hot paper iron. Instead (you’ll be relieved to know), it gives you the ultimate fluffy brow.

      Born of the brushed up brow trend, eyebrow lamination is ideal for the girl who goes through brow gel like it’s going out of fashion. Not for the faint of heart, the process will make your eyebrows look significantly bushier, even if you have scarce brows to begin with. Having virgin eyebrows myself (never have I ever plucked, waxed or shaped the bad boys), I was a little nervous as to just how bushy they were going to get. Dua Lipa can pull off eyebrows half way up her forehead I, on the other hand, cannot.

      Here, the lowdown on the process, the aftercare required and whether or not I’ll be going back for round two.

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      The Process

      It was the last muggy Sunday in the Summer of 2020 when I first laminated my eyebrows. My salon of choice? Kohl Beauty in Sydney’s St Peter’s. Located in the up-and-coming Precinct 75, the space was Byron Bay if Byron Bay had moved to Sydney’s inner west.

      Immediately making the process less intimidating due to the warm, relaxed and boho-chic interiors, I was greeted by a glowing Collette Manion, Senior Artist and Owner, who was ready to tackle the brows that were about to come her way.

      The initial consultation was highly informative, with Manion walking me through exactly what I was going to have done, what options I could pick and choose between (i.e. did I also want a brow tint), and offering her advice (i.e. not to get said brow tint as boy would that be a lot). The process was very straightforward and only took about 30 minutes – perfect for slotting into a lunch break, or quickly after the school sport rush. 

      Step number one saw Manion apply a lifting solution to my brows to break down the fibres of the hairs. This makes them malleable for the shaping process that is to come. This also allowed the hair to lengthen out completely, which gives a clear idea of any necessary grooming. 

      Step two involved applying a serum to the brows to re-strengthen the fibres and get them ready for shaping. This is also the step where you can add in any extras such as tinting, plucking and trimming. Manion trimmed my brows at this stage, because, as I’ve said before, Dua Lipa brows would be quite confronting in the office at 9am on a Monday. 

      Next comes the shaping. Manion shapes your brows for you but not without you. Brows are pretty personal, after all. Holding a mirror above my head, Manion shaped the brows as she saw fit and then asked for my input. Being a rookie at the whole laminating my brows thing, I would have to say I was a little tame when it came to just how fluffy I went. But that’s not to say I stayed completely safe either. 

      We found a happy medium. 

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      The Aftercare

      If you’re anything like me, these beauty treatments are all fun and games until you realise you have to apply 45 different products to keep your face from imploding (I’m not dramatic – you are).

      Luckily for us, the aftercare is pretty minimal considering our eyebrows have just been laminated. Basically, just don’t get your brows wet for 24 hours. I was also given a small sachet of serum and a spoolie to take home with me and advised to apply it everyday until it ran out. This will condition the hairs and keep them healthy for your next treatment. Once the serum runs out, coconut oil is your eyebrows’ new bestie.  

      See – it’s about as lowkey as you can get.

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      The Verdict

      I was warned going into the treatment that, like my post-lunch chocolate habit, laminating your eyebrows can become highly addictive. Once you laminate, you don’t go back, apparently. And it’s safe to say I would have to agree.

      A shock to a few people at first (mainly because my eyebrows actually had some shape and structure), I loved how they looked. Once you can get them wet, they become just like normal brows. You can still shape them as you please, and change that shape daily if you want. They’re not fixed. What laminating does is lock in the style you create in the morning.

      So rather than pasting your brows down with eyebrow gel in the hope they won’t budge during the day, you can now use a simple spoolie (wayyyyy cheaper than a gel) and create the shape you want. What’s more is that it won’t budge by 3pm when your gel has usually worn off.

      So, the verdict: love.

      Interviews Cheeks Eyes Fragrance Lips Makeup Skin

      Vanity Affairs: Every Single Product Lillian Khallouf Uses To Stay Fresh Faced All Day Long

      Welcome to Vanity Affairs – an editorial series where we document the early morning beauty routines of notable women.

      There are some women who have an I-can’t-put-my-finger-on-it kind of glow – a certain je ne sais quoi, if you will. You know the ones –  their hair falls just right, their skin is dewy but never shiny, and they exude confidence without being arrogant. 

      In the interest of public service, we’ve set about tracking these aforementioned unicorns down to find out their secrets. Have you got your pen and paper ready?

      Today’s bathroom cabinet deep dive: Lillian Khallouf.

      Having dressed the likes of Natasha Oakley, Pip Edwards and Jennifer Hawkins in her eponymous label, Khallouf is one of the Australian fashion industry’s ones to watch. Adopting an inside-out approach to beauty, Khallouf believes every good skin day starts from within: “I keep active, I eat good and I drink lots of water, which is really important,” she says.

      Starting her brand after growing up in her parent’s clothing manufacturing factory – playing with fabric cut offs and exploring textures – the Sydneysider believes her global living situation has greatly affected both her work and beauty philosophy. Having lived between Syria, Lebanon and Sydney, Khallouf has had to nail a routine that can take her to all the climates and not take all the time.

      Putting her love of beauty down to her Syrian grandmother, we sat down with the uber-cool designer to get a go to whoa rundown of every product in her morning beauty routine.


      lillian khallouf


      “I start by cleansing my skin with the exfoliKate cleanser by Kate Somerville. I apply a small amount on wet skin and massage for 30 seconds – it helps clear dead skin build-up and excess makeup.

      “I follow this with the exfoliKate Exfoliating Treatment. I use this no more than twice a week but it has dramatically improved my skin texture and pores.

      “I’m obsessed with the Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Serum. So much so that I use it in the AM as well. I apply a dropper-full into my hand and massage it onto my face and neck. It helps keep my skin hydrated and luminous.

      “Finally, I love the Lanolips Lano Face Base Vitamin E Day Cream before I apply any makeup. It’s become my favourite moisturiser because it keeps my skin hydrated and oil-free whether I’m wearing makeup or not.”

      lillian khallouf


      “Due to my position at work, I have to wear a full face of makeup – and most days I’m in the same face for up to 12 hours so I’ve definitely had to consider long-wear makeup that doesn’t give me cake face

      “My current favourite foundation is the NARS Natural Radiant Foundation in Syracuse, which I team with the Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r Instant Retouch Concealer in Amp 220. I then like to mattify the foundation with the Translucent Loose Setting Powder from Laura Mercier teamed with the Rae Morris Invisible Mattifier Powder for my T-zone. 

      “I’ve used the same Chanel Joues Contraste Powder Blush for years – occasionally changing the colour depending on my tan. Currently, my favourite is the [shade] 82 Reflex. My go-to for eyes is the Urban Decay Perversion Mascara and as for brows, the Hourglass Arch Brow Micro Pencil is a staple.

      “My favourite lip combo and signature colour is the Laura Mercier Longwear Lip Liner in Plumberry and the Huda Beauty Liquid Matte Lipstick in Venus.”

      lillian khallouf


      “My favourite everyday perfume is the Byredo Rose Of No Man’s Land Eau de Parfum. The rose smell reminds me of home back in Syria.

      “When I was a child my grandmother used to infuse my tea with a drop of rose water for flavour – all I need to do is close my eyes and I can easily go back to that moment.”

      lillian khallouf

      Who do you want Gritty Pretty to interview next? Tell us in the comments below.

      Hair Interviews

      What To Ask For At The Salon If You Want A Natural Looking Blonde

      No need to book in refresh after six weeks. High maintenance upkeep is a thing of the past.

      All bottle blondes know that there is no better feeling than a fresh colour. After putting up with regrowth for what feels like a lifetime, you leave the salon feeling like you just walked straight off the set of a hair care commercial, minus the wind machine. Our issue? In what feels like the blink of an eye, the colour is dull and our regrowth is back with a vengeance. 

      Enter: root melts. A technique that embraces your natural colour at the top of your head and fades it into a fresh blonde or a warm brunette, whatever your preference may be.

      In layman’s terms: no more regrowth.

      To help explain this new holy grail technique, we’ve called upon Annelise Hine, Head Stylist at Hair & Harlow and Barney Martin of Barney Martin Salon, for their expert advice. 

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      What Are The Benefits Of Root Melts?

      Not to be confused with ombre or balayage, a root melt takes a less-is-more approach to colour. Otherwise known as ‘lived-in colour’, the aim is to create natural dimension and movement, without the regrowth. 

      “The benefit of this technique is lower maintenance up-keep as any regrowth becomes less obvious. It’s also a good way to transition to a darker colour,” says Martin. 

      Hine agrees, adding: “They are effortless, but still striking. Our clients can benefit from these ‘root melts’ by embracing their natural colour and working with it rather than against it.”

      Sign. Us. Up.

      Where Should Your Roots End And Colour Begin?

      You know you better than anyone. Meaning, you know your hair and what looks good on you – personal preference is everything. Hine explains: “Some girls love to see a deeper colour around the eyes and brows, in which case a ‘longer’ root melt should be applied. For girls who love to be super blonde, a small smudge at the root to soften the blonde is perfect!”

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      What Techniques Are Used To Achieve The ‘Lived-In’, Effortless Colour?

      According to Martin, there is more than one way to get the look.

      Numero uno? Applying the colour to wet hair at the basin. Mostly used when touching up highlights or lowlights, the wet hair method is ideal for adding subtle dimension to the hair, whilst seamlessly blending the roots.

      The second method – where the colour is applied to dry hair in the areas that require the most smudge – requires a little more elbow grease. A fine tooth comb is a necessary tool to pull the colour evenly through the strands. The payoff, though? Totally worth it. 

      Be it wet or dry, one thing is for sure: it won’t take anywhere near as long as a regular colour. 

      How Much Can You Expect To Pay?

      The question you’ve all been waiting for: how does it compare to the cost of a regular colour?

      “For the initial colour service, clients are looking to pay anywhere between $350 to $500 depending on hair length, their desired result and how thick their hair is,” says Hine.

      However, opting for the smudge treatment will mean colouring your hair only two or three times a year. 

      “After a colour service we will normally see our guests within eight to 10 weeks for an in-salon Olaplex treatment and toner… We find so many girls come back to us not needing another colour, but just a toner.”

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      What At-Home Maintenance Is Required?

      It’s all well and good to only colour your hair three times per year. But will it look nice after three months? Luckily for you (and us), only a small amount of upkeep is required between appointments.

      “We always recommend Evo Fabuloso Toning Conditioner to our clients to maintain their colour at home. Toning your hair weekly as soon as you’ve been at the salon will help the colour last longer rather than trying to fight the brass when it does return,” says Hine. “Our guests also live and breathe Olaplex Step Number 3.”

      Martin also recommends putting in a little extra effort at home, to ensure the longevity of the colour. “We are huge fans of Wellaplex, which is a three step system. Best of all, the third part is a take home weekly treatment that clients do at their leisure, which works continuously to promote hair health and integrity.”

      Who Can We Look To For Root Smudge Inspo?

      You’re visual learners, we get it. Allow us to take you through some of our favourite root melt inspo. Whether it’s our blonde bombshells Jennifer Anniston or Margot Robbie, or our brunette babes Rebecca Judd and Caroline de Maigret, one thing is for sure, they all have that effortless, lived-in hair down pat!


      Have further questions about root melts? Leave us a comment below.

      Makeup Interviews

      Kosas Revealer Concealer Is The Best Concealer Our Beauty Assistant Has Ever Tried – Here’s Why

      Covering my eye bags in the short term whilst actively diminishing them in the long term? It’s a yes from me.

      Known the world over for their iconic Tinted Face Oil, Kosas is the ultimate in tomboy beauty. The brainchild of biology, chemistry and fine arts graduate Sheena Yaitanes, the clean beauty brand has come a long way since its humble kitchen table beginnings in 2015. 

      “I loved makeup and had been around it my whole life, but I never considered myself a real girly girl. I didn’t feel that there was a brand that was speaking to me. So, I decided to create my own,” says Yaitanes.

      Focusing on clean ingredients and simple-to-apply formulas, the brand has become the Sporty Spice of the makeup world. Whether looking for a your-lips-but-better shade, an easy cream eyeshadow or a no fuss cheek colour, Kosas have got you covered.

      That’s why, when given the opportunity to try their debut concealer, I (obviously) couldn’t say no.

      [responsive imageid=’35582′ size1=’0′ size2=’641′ size3=’1024′]kosas revealer concealer[/responsive]

      Introducing Revealer Concealer

      For a brand that takes pride in curating quality products, a new release is a seriously big deal. Hence my excitement at the new Revealer Concealer (what a name!) a medium-to-full coverage concealer that is both creamy, soothing and available in 16 shades.

      The ideal skin-perfecting companion to the Tinted Face Oil, this concealer will cover without disguising, a balance that is very hard to come by. 

      “Everyone wants to look like themselves, but better, when they put makeup on. No one I speak to wants to look different. That’s what I always keep in mind,” says Yaitanes.

      This philosophy is definitely evident in the formulation. The concealer’s light reflecting particles disguise imperfections by brightening the skin; this means there’s no need for a thick formula to cover dark circles, blemishes or redness. Translation? It’s lightweight but gets the job done – and then some.

      Skin Care, Meet Makeup

      As a self-proclaimed skincare junkie, I was very intrigued to dip my doe foot applicator into a concealer that is both good for my skin and easy on the eyes (i.e. makes me look significantly less zombie-esque on my morning commute). And as you’ve probably gathered if you’ve reached this point I was highly impressed. 

      The combination of caffeine (to reduce puffiness and shrink capillaries) and pink algae extract (to hydrate and fight against free radicals with antioxidants) means the concealer both covers and reduces the appearance of dark circles. At the same time.

      “I love skincare, I think a lot of people do [and] we’ve gotten really knowledgeable. There are so many skincare products out there now and we’re doing really great routines and have gotten our skin to a really healthy place. The last thing you want to do in the morning is heap on makeup that is going to harm that or reverse any of the work you just did,” says Yaitanes. 

      The formulation also contains arnica to soothe inflammation caused by breakouts and panthenol (otherwise known as vitamin B5) to calm irritation. To top it all off, a potent dose of peptides and hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen production and helps the skin to retain moisture.

      No wonder it looks good all day long. 

      Clean Coverage

      Not a brand to compromise, Yaitanes created her line as a leader in the clean beauty movement. 

      “It wasn’t necessarily a conscious decision,” she admits. “I really didn’t like any makeup formulas. I didn’t like the way they felt and I didn’t like what they did to my skin. So, those were the things that I wanted to solve and using clean ingredients was how I got there. It makes the product so much better.”

      Knowing that the ingredients sitting on my skin all day were actually good for me, was a peace of mind I didn’t know I needed until I had it.

      So, Is The Revealer Concealer Worth It?

      In a word: yes.

      My skin has never felt better and the formula doesn’t bunch up by the end of the day (like many a concealer previously). I don’t mind if a little of my imperfections poke through, so the medium coverage formula is plenty for me. But, if you are looking for something a little more heavy duty you may need to go elsewhere.

      The ingredients have also visibly reduced darkness under my eyes and helped in reducing redness around my nose area. The inflammation on the breakouts that have (for the moment) set up camp on my chin has also reduced significantly. 

      Basically, if you can get your hands on it. Do. That is all.


      The Kosas Revealer Concealer will launch online at on March 31st 2020 and in stores on April 28th 2020.

      Have you tried any of the Kosas line? Leave us a comment below of your favourite Kosas product!

      Hair Interviews

      Is A Leave-In Hair Treatment A Worthy Investment?

      No rinse necessary. 

      While many of us have adopted a 10-step Korean skin care regime, hair care has remained a relatively simple affair. For the most part, we stick to the age-old shampoo then conditioner routine. However, sometimes hair needs a little extra love – particularly if it has been colour treated. Cue: Leave-in hair treatments – the multi-tasking hair saviours that do all the hard work for you. 

      We know what you’re thinking: do I really need to add another step? But hear us out. These treatments are as easy as they come; simply spray, smooth or comb through your hair and head straight out the door. 

      Here, we’ve enlisted the help of hair heavy-hitters Anthony Nader, Founder and Creative Director of Raw by Anthony Nader, and Renee Marshall, Owner and Director of Allure Hair Bar, to explain why a leave-in treatment should be the next item on your hair care hit list.leave in hair treatments

      What Is A Leave-In Hair Treatment?

      As far as hair care goes, a leave-in treatment does to the hair what a green juice does to the body. It’s a sure-fire way to inject some serious life back into your hair. 

      “A leave-in hair treatment is designed to target something specific [that] your strands may be lacking. It’s for when they need a boost to get them back into tip-top shape,” says Nader.

      A natural timesaver, Marshall thinks a leave-in treatment is the busy woman’s dream. “A leave-in treatment is for the modern day woman who is too time poor to add an at-home treatment into her beauty regime but needs to put more moisture into her hair.  It can be applied to mid-lengths and ends, then it’s good to go!”

      See? We told you it was easy. 

      What Are The Main Benefits Of A Leave-In Treatment?

      “Treatments are beneficial for a number of reasons including boosting hair that is lacking sheen and smoothing over unruly, textured strands,” says Nader. 

      Detangling knots and revamping dehydrated, coloured hair are also benefits you can expect. And for our blonde babes? A leave-in moisturising treatment will help strengthen and repair the hair after bleaching. leave in hair treatments

      What Are The Key Ingredients To Look Out For?

      Nader recommends keeping an eye out for natural, moisture-rich ingredients such as shea butter, aloe vera, avocado and coconut oil.

      “Shea butter is a beauty for sealing in moisture [and] aloe vera is excellent not only for nourishing your strands but also for nourishing your scalp at the same time,” says Nader.

      Keratin is also good to look out for if you suffer from dry or brittle hair, as it makes the hair less prone to breakage and smooths over rough cuticle scales.

      Marshall recommends steering clear of products containing parabens, sulfates or silicones, as they have a tendency to weigh the hair down. 

      “Silicon builds up on your hair and it can alter your colour. Sulfates are designed to cleanse but are especially harsh on coloured and keratin treated hair and can dry out and irritate the scalp,” says Marshall. 

      Who Needs To Use A Leave-In Treatment?

      “Dry hair and all colour treated hair-types would benefit from a leave-in treatment,” says Marshall. “Blondes especially can use the added moisture to really strengthen the hair and keep it looking and feeling healthy.” 

      Nader takes his recommendation even further, suggesting that “everyone with hair on their heads needs a [leave-in] treatment.”

      “From fine hair to coarse, frizzy hair and every texture in between. Think of a hair treatment as an instant hair CPR.”

      Which Formulas Are Best?

      Oils, sprays and foams, oh my! Much like their hairstyling relatives, leave-in treatments can come in a multitude of formulas. Nader recommends an oil-based treatment for those with dry or colour-treated hair due to its efficiency in restoring shine and body. 

      Moisture-rich creams are also super nourishing and essential in plumping up the follicle for the appearance of thicker, healthier hair.

      Marshall’s rule of thumb? “The thicker the hair, the heavier the formula.” leave in hair treatments

      Top Picks

      Don’t know where to start? Allow us. Nader’s top picks include David Mallet’s Mask No3 La Couleur and the Bumble and Bumble Invisible Oil, both of which restore natural shine and body to the hair.

      Marshall recommends the Oribe Run-Through Detangling Primer for an instant moisture hit and the Kerastase Nutritive Eight Hour Magic Night Serum for when your hair needs a richer treatment. 


      Have a leave-in treatment recommendation we’ve missed? Leave us a comment below!


      Skin Makeup

      How To Shop The Priceline Sale Like A Gritty Pretty Editor

      Beauty that won’t break the bank.

      If you’re anything like us, walking out of Priceline empty-handed is an impossible feat. With lotions and potions lining the aisles, we don’t blame you for getting distracted and accidentally purchasing 37 new beauty products to try. We’ve all been there.

      Luckily for you (and us), for the next four days, from Tuesday, January 21 to Friday, January 24, you can enjoy 40 per cent off tanning, skincare and suncare at Priceline Pharmacy. Don’t know where to start? We’ve put together a list of everything we’re eyeing at Gritty Pretty HQ. 

      [responsive imageid=’35423′ size1=’0′ size2=’641′ size3=’1024′]priceline sale[/responsive]


      1. Bondi Sands Aero 1 Hour Express | Sale price: $14.99
        Perfect for when you’re in a time crunch but still want to look like you’ve just returned from a week-long vacay, this one hour express tan will give you the luminous, deep colour without the 8 hour wait-time. Bonus: no white sheets will be harmed in the marinating process.
      2. Tanologist Face & Body Drops Dark | Sale price: $11.99
        Ever noticed that the tan on your face fades way faster than the tan on your body? Same. These Tanologist tan drops are ideal for topping up your face tan in between body applications, keeping you evenly bronzed all week long.
      3. Jergens Natural Glow Firming Daily Moisturiser Medium To Tan | Sale price: $8.99
        A perfect collision of the Jergens Firming Daily Moisturiser and their cult-favourite gradual tan, this everyday lotion will even your skin tone, smooth cellulite and encourage skin elasticity all while promoting a natural and seamless summer glow. Multitasking at its finest!
      4. St Tropez Tan Remover Mousse | Sale price: $17.99
        With all that tanning, comes the inevitable removal. Gone are the days of scrubbing your skin to within an inch of its life, and still not getting that pesky knee tan off. With the St Tropez Tan Remover Mousse, removal is a breeze. Simply massage the foam into your skin, let it soak for five minutes and rinse with warm water. Easy breezy!

        [responsive imageid=’35407′ size1=’0′ size2=’641′ size3=’1024′]priceline sale bioderma bondi sands[/responsive]


      1. Ayla Skin Pink Perfect Clay Mask | Sale price: $29.99
        Perfect for detoxifying and brightening your skin, this clay mask will clean your pores without stripping your natural oils. Vegan and cruelty free, this pink pot of goodness is your new best friend if you suffer from acne, blackheads or the occasional breakout. Pro tip: use as an overnight spot treatment when you feel a pimple brewing.
      2. Avene Cicalfate Restorative Skin Cream | Sale price: $14.99
        If you’re anything like us, you’re on a lifelong quest to become as effortlessly cool as la parisienne. Step one: inject a little bit of Avene into your morning routine. And what better place to start than with this Avene moisturiser, famous for its soothing and anti-irritant properties. The cream is sans parabens, preservatives and alcohol, making it perfect for the whole family, and your whole body.
      3. La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water | Sale price: $7.19
        About as cult as you can get, the La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water is perfect for soothing and refreshing the skin. Whether a new staple in your travel bag or your desk’s newest tenant, this light spray will keep your skin hydrated and plump all day long.
      4. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Lip Balm Sunscreen Stick SPF 15 | Sale price: $2.21
        A classic lip product known for its no-fuss efficacy has had a sun-conscious reboot. Now with SPF 15, the Cocoa Butter formula will both moisturise and protect, meaning luscious lips all year round.
      5. Bioderma Sensibio H20 Micelle Solution | Sale price: $13.19
        Step number two in our quest to become la parisienne? Removing our makeup with french beauty staple, Bioderma. This micellar solution is perfect for cleansing every last remnant of makeup off your face without any irritation. A repurchase for us – it must be good.

      [responsive imageid=’35406′ size1=’0′ size2=’641′ size3=’1024′]priceline sale la roche-posay avene[/responsive]



      1. Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Lotion SPF 50 | Sale price: $10.19
        You’ll be relieved to know that thick, chalky sunscreens are a thing of the past. With Neutrogena’s water-light texture, this gel sunscreen will give you all the protection, with none of the greasiness.
      2. La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Ultra-Light Fluid SPF 50+ | Sale price: $17.99
        An oldy but a goodie, the La Roche-Posay Ultra-Light sunscreen fluid is a favourite for a reason. The non-greasy formula is specifically designed for sensitive skin and is both paraben and fragrance-free. Add. To. Cart.
      3. Invisible Zinc Face & Body SPF 50 | Sale price: $19.19
        Last, but certainly not least, is the Invisible Zinc sunscreen. As the name suggests, this invisible formula offers the highest grade sun protection but removes the old-school white cast, making it ideal for underneath makeup and everyday use. It’s also a physical sunscreen which means it’s ideal for sensitive skin types. Protection for everyone!

      Got a favourite Priceline product that we missed? Leave us a comment down below!

      Makeup Cheeks Eyes Lips

      The Secret To Margot Robbie’s Dreamy SAG Awards Beauty Look

      Straight from the makeup artist herself.

      If there is one good thing to come out of the time difference between the US and Australia, it’s that SAG Awards Sunday in Los Angeles becomes Makeup Inspo Monday at Gritty Pretty HQ.

      This year, we picked a winner before the ceremony even started. Who is it, you ask? None other than homegrown beauty Margot Robbie with makeup artist Pati Dubroff on the tools.

      Nailing the girl-next-door effortlessness with a muted, sultry edge, this clay-inspired Chanel look is both beautiful and (thankfully) recreatable, bringing a touch of Hollywood glam to us all.

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      Before the maquillage comes the skin. To start, Dubroff prepped with La Solution 10 De Chanel Sensitive Skin Cream and the Hydra Beauty Flash Instantly Hydrating Perfecting Balm to create a fresh, dewy base.


      To even the skin-tone without creating a ‘mask’ effect, Dubroff used the Ultra Le Teint Velvet Blurring Smooth-Effect Foundation and a touch of the Soleil Tan De Chanel for a muted contour that played up both Robbie’s features, and the ‘putty’ theme behind the look. 

      The Baume Essentiel Multi-Use Glow Stick provided a dumpling dew on Robbie’s skin, with Chanel’s Longwear Concealer, Le Correcteur De Chanel, minimising eye bags and spot treating any blemishes (not that we think Miss Robbie would have any).

      To enhance Robbie’s natural radiance, Dubroff reached for the Joues Contraste Powder Blush in shade 350 Rosewood – this gives a flush of colour, creating her “happy cheek” look. 


      They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and if this is the case, Robbie’s windows were framed with the dreamiest of drapes. Graphite greys and deep turquoise tones formed the basis of the Chanel eye look with the Les 4 Ombres Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow in 324 Blurry Blue providing the smoke-show. A swipe of Le Volume Revolution De Chanel Extreme Volume Mascara defined the upper and lower lash-line without overpowering the wispy, blended eye. 


      An ombre lip may seem like a lot of effort, but with the right products, this simple hack can lift any look and make your lips look seriously plump. Dubroff reached for earthy tones to make the illusion as natural as possible, starting with the Rouge Coco Flash Hydrating Vibrant Shine Lip Colour in 56 Moment and adding a darker Rouge Allure Ink Matte Liquid Lip Colour in 178 Rosy Brown to the outer corners to create depth. 

      Miss Margot Robbie, you’ve done it again. 

      Skin Interviews

      Is Face Halo Worth The Investment? We Put Them To The Test

      What if we told you cleanser was optional?

      Having burst onto the beauty scene in mid-2017, Face Halo has fast become an exciting and intriguing cleansing option on the market. About as no-frills as you can get (just add water), this microfibre puff will lift all the dirt, sans all the irritation.

      Need more convincing? We’ve got you covered. Gritty Pretty has put both the Face Halo and the new Body Halo to the test, so you don’t have to.

      [responsive imageid=’35347′ size1=’0′ size2=’641′ size3=’1024′]Face Halo Review[/responsive]

      What Is Face Halo? 

      A little microfibre puff might not seem all that impressive – however, the technology is far more advanced than your average flannel. 

      “The technology of the Face Halo [is] designed to get into your pores and lift the makeup and impurities out and trap them in the tech fibres,” explains Lizzy Pike, Face Halo Founder and Executive Director.

      “It’s the busy girl’s dream, the lazy girl’s dream and the busy mum’s dream. The Face Halo doesn’t disrupt the natural pH balance of your skin, since it is water only. If you have sensitive skin, you could use a Cetaphil or Dove Dermaseries, but you don’t necessarily need it.”

      Added bonus: the puff is reusable, which means more convenience for you and less inconvenience (otherwise known as landfill and pollution) for the planet. Win, win!

      Does Face Halo Actually Work? 

      So, you’re still sceptical, huh?  In a word, yes – this no-fuss, sustainable puff actually works. Particularly useful for taking off your face at the end of a long work day, or freshening up after a workout, the Face Halo does everything it says it will. No skin irritation was our favourite perk and the quick drying time meant it was ready for use the next day.

      The Body Halo was also a winner. The dual-sided (and significantly larger) body puff is a multi-tasker to say the least. Starting with the microfibre side to cleanse and refresh was our method of choice, following up with the exfoliating side should we need a little more oomph. The circular shape and convenient mitt design made it effortless to slough away those dead skin cells (we’re blaming you, summer sun) as well as any leftover self-tanner from the weekend (fake it ‘till you make it, right?). Needless to say, the Body Halo is our shower’s newest tenant.

      What Is Face Halo Made Out Of?

      The Face Halo is made out of an ultra-fine form of microfibre (otherwise known as HaloTech Fibre), which attracts makeup and dirt, ensuring ease of removal.

      Where Is Face Halo Made? 

      The Face Halo is proudly Australian-made, which further solidifies the brand as a leader in sustainability. The company also has a number of global recycling plants, making it easily accessible to dispose of old Halo’s in an environmentally-conscious way.

      “On the website we’ve got three addresses: one in the UK, one in the US and one in Australia and we will be getting another one in Asia very soon,” says Pike.

      “[The customers] send it back to us and then we collect them and send them to our factory… [where] they repurpose them into seat cushioning or the fabric on commercial train and bus seats.”

      How Often Should You Wash Your Face Halo?

      You don’t have to put it into the washing machine every single time, which makes life so easy,” says Pike, who often rotates between three Halo’s at any given time.

      “One in the washing machine, one for travelling and one for the vanity [or] shower. It’s just so easy and simple.”

      Day-to-day, the Face Halo is easily washed with warm water and soap, and should be washed after every use to avoid any bacteria build-up.

      Toss it in the washing machine after every couple of uses, or if you’ve had on particularly heavy makeup that day, as per the Face Halo recommendations.

      Can Face Halo Go In The Drier?

      Similar to thinking you can go out on a Sunday night and still make it to work the next day, a Face Halo can survive the drier but it’s probably best you don’t attempt it. Air drying is best as it maintains the shape and with the nifty ribbon hook, hanging shouldn’t be an issue.

      Have a burning Face Halo tip that we don’t know about? Leave us a comment down below!