Seven experts have their say…

Admittedly, when we called on a group of skincare experts to answer the titular question we expected:“YES! OF COURSE YOU NEED A NEW SUMMER MOISTURISER – MAKE IT LIGHTWEIGHT AND MAKE IT SPF 30+!”. That’s the obvious answer, but we also surprisingly copped a few spoilers. If you thin you know this stuff, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get a second – or seventh – expert opinion. Revelations ahead:

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Lisa Sullivan-Smith, Co-Founder of The CLINIC Bondi

Do you need a new moisturiser for summer?
Not necessarily, but you should increase the amount you moisturise.

A lot of people think you need to moisturise less in summer, but that’s incorrect because the skin will feel drier due to sun exposure. So, definitely increase your moisturiser. I think the most important thing (besides, SPF 30+) is a paraben-free, chemical-free moisturiser. Parabens can cause trauma to the skin because they’re basically filler and you don’t want that on your skin. Lighter or thicker is age-dependent. A lot of young girls might like lighter ones. Personally, in my late 40s, I like a thicker moisturiser.”

Vanda Serrador, Facialist & Body Care Expert at The Body Shop

Do you need a new moisturiser for summer?

Gel-creams and lotions that are packed with moisturising ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid and Rosehip are great. Typically, an opened skincare product would last 12 months so it’s wise to check the expiry date and maybe even bin the moisturiser you had last summer and grab a new one.”

Kate Somerville, LA Skin Health Expert & founder of Kate Somerville skincare

Do you need a new moisturiser in summer?

“During the summer months look for a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser. Since the air contains more moisture, a rich formula will make your skin feel weighed down. You also sweat more during summer so oil-free formulas won’t clog pores. If you want to skip an extra step, find a moisturiser that contains an SPF of at least 30.”

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Tracey Beeby, Head of Education at Ultraceuticals

Do you need a new moisturiser in summer?
No, you can use a hydrating serum/booster instead.

“We would suggest a hydrating booster or serum that is completely oil-free containing Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide and Panthenol to maintain the Natural Moisturising Factor (NMF) and replace moisture loss in the skin. The same booster can be used at night underneath your chosen moisturiser.”

Emma Hobson, Education Manager for the International Dermal Institute & Dermalogica

Do you need a new moisturiser in summer?
Only if your skin changes.

“You shouldn’t need to swap out your moisturiser in summer unless your skin gets a little oilier due to the heat and humidity. If it does, opt for one that’s completely oil-free. Ensure you moisturiser absorbs easily and has lots of hydrating properties (look for hyaluronic acid) as well as antioxidants to protect skin from the environment.”

Amy Erbacher, Olay Skin Expert 

Do you need a new moisturiser in summer?

“You don’t need to purchase a new moisturiser in summer. If your current moisturiser works well for you and you’re seeing positive changes in your skin, then why change it? Though, thicker-type waxes may be too heavy for your skin during the hotter months as perspiration may be trapped under a thick moisturiser and lead to congestion.”

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Anna Mitsios, Nutritionist; Naturopath & Creator of Edible Beauty

Do you need a new moisturiser in summer?

“A new formula in summer is ideal. Look for ingredients like Camellia Seed Oil – an oil rich in omegas and oleic acid that absorbs quickly. Marshmallow root is another favourite botanical ingredient because of the its ability to attract and retain water. Lastly, we love our moisturiser to have an abundance of wildcrafted Australian ingredients. These are particularly important in summer as they’re supercharged with antioxidants to enhance our skin’s ability to repair and regenerate.”

Do you change your moisturiser for summer?

Find out how to get your skin summer ready in 5 weeks here.


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